traveling tales...

On June 15/2006 I set out on a journey across Europe. My truck was sold, my job was quit, and my room was packed...

Sunday, November 26, 2006

pisa, italy

Up until now we have been pretty lucky with the weather. It's been darn cold, but we've managed to avoid the rain. It did rain the day we made our day trip from Florence to Pisa though.. Luckily I had brought my umbrella because the walk from the train station to the leaning tower was pretty far. By the time we got there though, it had cleared up pretty nicely and we were able to get some good pictures!

I don't really know what to say about the tower other than.. it leans! hahaha. We didn't actually climb up the tower because they were charging 15 Euros to do so.. what a complete money grab! Instead we hung out with the gazillion tourists below and took a gazillion pictures, including the obligatory "haha, I'm holding up the tower!" pose, lol. It was pretty funny to watch every single person take that shot; their hands above their head while the photographer directed which way to move them. We spent some more time walking around the grounds and the church as the sun set.

After that, there wasn't much else left to do in Pisa besides grab some gelato and head back to the station and back to Florence.


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