traveling tales...

On June 15/2006 I set out on a journey across Europe. My truck was sold, my job was quit, and my room was packed...

Thursday, November 09, 2006

nazare, portugal

When we got to Nazare we went to the little shop where we had made arrangements with the lady for the apartment. She began leading us to the place, and we started to wonder if maybe we should have seen the place before agreeing to stay there! We thought ok, we can just stay one night and see how we like it. Well, we were VERY pleasantly surprised when she let us in and we saw that we had a nice three bedroom apartment with full kitchen, washing machine and everything all to ourselves. We instantly agreed to stay the full three nights there. We couldn't believe everything that we were getting for only 25 euros! We have paid that EACH sometimes to stay in a dorm in a hostel. sheesh...

The weather was nice and warm, although it wasn't nearly as sunny and hot as it was the first day when we had come there with Vera and Edgar. We were a little disappointed because we were looking forward to laying on the beach all day, but it was still an awesome place to relax and take a break from constantly being on the go. Nazare was such a cute little town, with the old ladies still wearing traditional clothing and everything. We went to the grocery store, stocked the fridge a bit and got settled in. We made hashbrowns and eggs for breakfast every morning and it was grand! We didn't have a potato peeler though, so we had to peel all the potatoes with a knife, and then just slice them like you would a carrot.. so we had round-potato-slice "hashbrowns" hahhahah.. they were still delicious though...

We didn't do a whole lot in Nazare.. which was kind of the point! We enjoyed the pastry shops, perhaps a little TOO much.. we were buying multiple pastries each, every day. mmMMmm. It was also Halloween while we were there, except the kids don't go trick or treating at night. Instead the Portuguese celebrate the next day, Nov. 1st, as All Saints Day. The kids still go around, but in the morning time and without costumes. We had a knock at our door and of course I answered it and I had these kids standing there. Of course they don't speak English but I guess they got the idea that I didn't have anything for them after I was like uhhhhh.. sorry? hehe.. We also did some laundry while we were there, and hung our things to dry all throughout the apartment, lol. Unfortunately they didn't completely dry by the time we had to pack up and leave, which created some interesting odors when we unpacked those items... we'll just have to wash them again I guess, haha.


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