traveling tales...

On June 15/2006 I set out on a journey across Europe. My truck was sold, my job was quit, and my room was packed...

Friday, October 06, 2006

oktoberfest in munich, germany

When we were in Interlaken we were talking to our roomates and they were telling us how they had just come from Oktoberfest in Munich. Turns out the last day of Oktoberfest was two days from then, on Oct. 3rd. Something suddenly posessed us to want to go, and even though it would be a stretch, we wanted to make it happen. We figured that if everything went well the next day with skydiving and we got nice weather and stuff, we could leave the next night and be in Munich by the morning for the last day of the festivities. It allllll depended on the weather! If it wasn't good weather, we would wait in Interlaken and try skydiving the day after next. If it WAS nice, we were headed to Munich right after the jump.

Well, we did get nice weather, and as soon as we were done the jump we headed to the train station. After a LONG train ride of 9 hours and 5 different trains, we arrived in Munich at 330am. We had already been there, and headed to the hostel we stayed at the first time, Jaeger's. We had pulled an all-nighter there the first time as well, when we missed our night train, and we knew that for some reason they didn't mind if people crashed in their lobby, lol. We walked in casually, threw our stuff in some lockers and tried to get some sleep. We were able to get a room for the next night though, which was good!

We woke up around 930am, and still in the same clothes we had been in from yesterday, headed to the fairgrounds. The festivities were crazy! There were like 14 different beer tents, each that could hold around 100,000 people. Plus there were rides, food stands and games... like the PNE! We both bought one of the cheesy hats and wore them around all was a blast! The girls were all dressed in the traditional German dresses, and the guys were all wearing lederhosen, it was so cute.

We had our first litre of beer at about 1130am, then walked around the fair for a while. While enjoying our second litre, we met this German girl Suzy who couldn't have been more happy of the fact that we liked Germany so much. She kept saying how proud of us she was, lol.. we also met a guy who ordered some traditional bavarian pork for us that came with this dumpling.. it was so delicious!

Things really got going in the evening, and you could barely tell that there were even tables set up, because everyone was standing on them, dancing around to the band and having a good time. I kept thinking how there could probably never be anything like this in Vancouver.. we have too many rules! Despite how many people must have been sooo drunk, (including security guards that we saw wrestling with each other, haha..) We didn't see a single fight. The attitude is completely different over here, so relaxed! Everyone just wants to have a good time. There was even two little boys at one of our tables who would drink out of daddy's mug whenever they wanted..

When it was all over and done with, after one last ride on the roller coaster in the pouring rain, we grabbed a bratwurst and headed back to the hostel. Our shoes got SOAKED and we've been airing them out even since =(

The next day we went back to the Hofbrauhaus and ordered the same meal we had the first time we were in Munich, the brewmaster's pork steak. It was just as delicious as we remembered! We then took advantage of the hostels wireless network, which we still knew the code for, and planned where to go next. We really had no idea, since we weren't planning on even being in Munich! We decided to make our way to Paris, stopping in Strasbourg which was only 4 hours away.


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