traveling tales...

On June 15/2006 I set out on a journey across Europe. My truck was sold, my job was quit, and my room was packed...

Saturday, September 30, 2006

oxford, england

Oxford was a cute little town. Mike and I thought the famous Oxford University was just one university there, but we learned that "Oxford" is just an umbrella term for 39 different campuses with different names in the city; there is no actual "Oxford" university..hahah. One of the largest there was called Christ Church. All of the universities charge an admission fee to wander the grounds or go on tours, but we managed to swing it for free. We wanted to check out the gift shop, so we asked the guy at the gate where it was, and he said it was through the gate and around the corner. We were in! Of course we took a bit of an indirect way to the gift shop and took some pictures of the grounds and wondered throught the chapel as well.

At our hostel we met these two people from Delta! They graduated from Seaquim and were our age.. The weird part was when Emily asked me if I had a sister named Kim. All through highschool people would ask me if I was related to this girl named Kim Debowski, who also went to Princess Margaret. Apparently we really look alike! Well, here we were in Oxford, England, and I had someone asking me if I had a sister named Kim! hahaha.. Turns out Emily worked with her at Sport Mart. Weird eh?

We had pretty much covered all we wanted to in Oxford the day before, so the next day we planned a really busy day trip to two neighbouring towns. First up we visted Warwick, to see Warwick Castle. We might not have gone there, except Mike won a 2 for 1 pass under the label of a bottle of Dr. Pepper. I think admisson for one person would have been 15 pounds (30 cdn), so the coupon really helped us out! Warwick castle was probably one of my favourites so far. It was almost like a little medieval themepark.. there was a birds of prey show that was really cool, with a vulture, an owl, and eagles, and the rooms of the castles were all decorated and had wax figurines of people as they would have lived.

After Warwick we took the train to Stratford-Upon-Avon, birthplace of William Shakespeare! It's a pretty small town, and Shakespeare is the main draw of the city. We saw his birthplace, and some other significant buildings like where his daughter married and things like that. We were going to go to the church where he is buried, but by the time we got there it was closed for a band practice or something. We would have made it if we hadn't stopped at McDonald's for some ice cream! haha.. oh well. After that we made our way to the Royal Shakespeare Theatre where we were seeing a play. We saw "The Tempest", starring the one and only Patrick Stewart, aka Captian Jean Luc Picard from Star Trek! LOL.. The play was really cool, it was quite the elaborate production! By the time we got back to Oxford it was around midnight.. and we were exhausted!


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